Sunday, June 28, 2015

In the Abundance of Counselors is Safety

In life you need an advisor. The higher you get in life, you need advisors. When one is at the top of their industry ... that's when you REALLY need a priest, a Biblical advisor. Even Pharaoh had advisors. He had many of them (sorcers, soothsayers, etc).

Kings (Businessmen, Entrepreneurs, Pro Athletes, Entertainers, Workers) without a vision become a Law unto themselves. A dangerous place to be in; A Law unto YOURSELF. 

The advisors are there to feed the kings with The Word so that the king's vision isn't lost and so that the king stays on track in their life. When you are off track, that's when you make the NEWS, get caught up in something and become a public spectacle (Tiger Woods). Successful kings submit to biblical advisors and do NOT succumb to the things; temptations or negative activities, because they utilize their advisors (A. C. Green). 

Biblical kings and their Advisors:
  • Abraham - Melchizedek 
  • Hezekiah - Isaiah 
  • Jehoshaphat - Micaiah
  • David - Nathan
David, with all of his power did not place Nathan in jail. He received the correction and IMMEDIATELY repented and went before God.
  • Elijah - Elisha
The higher up we get the more humble we need to be and the more we need a Biblical/Godly advisor. 

Otherwise, you become a Law unto yourself. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

How We Should Live?

It is not about what I, Monica D. Hardwick, says that determines how we should live. It is not about what you say, and it is not about what a government says. 

The question is and forever will be: 

"What does The Creator say?" #ItIsWritten 

The Kingdom of GOD

It is not a democracy. It is not an entity where we will take a vote. Everything has already been decided and "voted" on. 
The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost all said; "I" and put it in the BOOK. The Bible. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

GOD is LOVE #LoveWins

It's completely possible to stand on the Biblical principles of GOD and simultaneously love, not champion sin, but accept people as individuals of non Biblical beliefs.  

Completely possible!